MultiMediate: Multi-modal Group Behaviour Analysis for Artificial Mediation
Details on solution paper submission

Details on solution paper submission

03 July 2024

We received an update from the ACM Multimedia publication chairs on the paper submission details for grand challenges.

As a result, we are able to give participants one week more time to write their papers. The new paper submission deadline is July 19, AoE. The evaluation deadline remains the same (July 12). This means that you will not be able to get new test set evaluation results after July 12. However, you can use the time until July19 to e.g. run insightful ablation experiments on the validation set, generate qualitative results, etc. Please keep in mind that papers will be evaluated not only with respect to test set performance, but also with respect to the scientific quality and novelty. This for example means you always should support method contributions with adequate ablation studies. We hope the additional week for paper submission will help you to submit papers with high scientific quality.

The page limit for challenge solution papers is 6 pages, with max. one additional page for references. This page limit is larger than in previous year (4 pages + references) - however if you only need 4 pages (+ one page of references) to present your work this is also fine. Please do not try to stretch the content artificially to 6 pages.

We will instruct you how to submit your papers in time before the deadline.

Apart from the points made above, we follow the submission instructions of the ACM MM main conference: